In the footsteps of the chef

Price $7,800
Duration 4h
Capacity 1 - 5

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  • Pay with your credit card via Stripe. Happy ending with Wise Trip

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About Tour

Walking around the city and eating whatever you see sounds like a good plan. Walking around with a local host to spend the day with is an even better plan.

Booking this tour with Touriny, you can choose a private tour with a local guide to experience the city like a local. Decide on a date, duration, and guide specialty for a full-on food experience. We will organize the reservation of suitable accommodation, the luggage transfer and if necessary lunch packages, transfers or further services.

  • We connect you to the best local chefs and connoisseurs
  • Dinner in the city center
  • Personalized services and local souvenir shops

1. What is Wise Trip Travel Agency and what kind of services do they offer? Wise Trip Travel Agency is a company that provides travel-related services like planning, booking, and organizing trips for their clients. They specialize in offering custom travel packages to fit the needs of their clients.

2. How can I contact Wise Trip Travel Agency and what are their office hours? You can contact Wise Trip Travel Agency on their website or by phone. Their office hours are generally from 9 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday.

3. What kinds of trips does Wise Trip Travel Agency offer? Wise Trip Travel Agency offers a variety of trips to different destinations, including adventure trips, luxury tours, and family vacations.

4. Do they offer packages for groups or solo travelers? Yes, Wise Trip Travel Agency offers customized packages for both group and solo travelers.

5. How can I make a booking with Wise Trip Travel Agency? You can easily make a booking for your trip by contacting Wise Trip Travel Agency and providing them with your travel details. They will work with you to create a custom travel package that fits your preferences and budget.

6. What is the pricing for Wise Trip Travel Agency’s services? The pricing for Wise Trip Travel Agency’s services depends on the specific travel package you choose. They offer packages that fit different budgets, so you can find the right one for you.

7. Are the trips offered by Wise Trip Travel Agency safe? Yes, Wise Trip Travel Agency prioritizes the safety of its clients on all trips. They work with trusted vendors and tour guides to ensure that their clients are safe at all times.

8. Can I cancel my booking with Wise Trip Travel Agency? Yes, you can cancel your booking with Wise Trip Travel Agency. However, the cancellation policy depends on the specific package you choose.

9. What is the refund policy of Wise Trip Travel Agency? Wise Trip Travel Agency’s refund policy depends on the specific package you choose. They will work with you to ensure that you are satisfied with their services.

10. Is travel insurance included in Wise Trip Travel Agency’s packages? No, travel insurance is not included in Wise Trip Travel Agency’s packages. However, they can help you purchase travel insurance from a third-party provider.